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        Import commodity trading center opens in Xixian New Area

        2023-01-11 13:55:50 , Source : en.xa.gov.cn

        The Northwest Import Commodity Trading Experience Center recently opened its doors for business in Fengdong New City, Xixian New Area, which is a new national area built by the cities of Xi'an and Xianyang in Northwest China's Shaanxi province.

        Locals get shopping at the Northwest Import Commodity Trading Experience Center in Xixian New Area. [Photo/xa.gov.cn]

        All kinds of imported snacks, skin care products, fruit, beverages, toys, daily necessities and other products are being sold at the center.

        The first phase of the facility, with a floor space covering 7,000 square meters, is mainly engaged in wholesale and retail sales of imported commodities.

        The center aims to create an on-site and online shopping service platform for imported goods. It will offer diverse and integrated shopping experience while meeting the different needs of residents.

        After the center starts operating as a whole, it is projected to generate annual sales topping 500 million yuan ($73.99 million), with the annual sales growth rate expected to remain above 15 percent.

        In recent years, Fengdong New City has introduced shopping, catering, leisure and entertainment and other commercial formats – providing locals with a more convenient and diverse shopping experience. It's also brought a more dynamic working space for resident businesses.

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