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        Contents of the 17th Issue of 2022 Gazette of Shaanxi Provincial People's Government

        2022-09-21 15:30:00 , Source : The Government Website of Shaanxi Province


        Circular of Shaanxi Provincial People's Government on Printing and Issuing Implementation Plan on Deepening the Comprehensive Reform of College Entrance Examination(3)

        Implementation Plan of Shaanxi Province on Deepening the Comprehensive Reform of College Entrance Examination(3)

        Circular of the General Office of Shaanxi Provincial People's Government on Printing and Issuing Double Growth Plan for Science and Technology-Oriented Enterprises to Accelerate Innovation and Development(9)

        Double Growth Plan of Shaanxi Province for Science and Technology-Oriented Enterprises to Accelerate Innovation and Development(9)

        Circular of the General Office of Shaanxi Provincial People's Government on Printing and Issuing Emergency Response Plan for Flood Control and Emergency Response Plan for Drought Relief(15)

        Emergency Response Plan of Shaanxi Province for Flood Control(15)

        Emergency Response Plan of Shaanxi Province for Drought Relief(32)

        Appointment and Removal of Personnel of Shaanxi Provincial People's Government(43)

        The Provincial Economic Situation in July, 2022(45)

        Government Activities in August, 2022(46)

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