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        Contents of the 19th Issue of 2022 Gazette of Shaanxi Provincial People's Government

        2022-11-10 15:30:00 , Source : The Government Website of Shaanxi Province


        Public Notice of Shaanxi Provincial People's Government on Prohibition of New Construction Project and Immigration to the Construction Area and Reservoir Flooding Area of Puhua Reservoir(3)

        Circular of Shaanxi Provincial People's Government on Approving and Publishing General Plan on the Protection of the Original Xianyang City Site of Qin Dynasty (Year 2021-2035 )(4)

        Circular of the General Office of Shaanxi Provincial People's Government on Printing and Issuing Plan for Digital Economy Development during the 14th Five-year Plan Period(5)

        Circular of the General Office of Shaanxi Provincial People's Government on Naming Region-based Tourism-centered Demonstration Zones(34)

        Circular of Shaanxi Provincial Development and Reform Commission on Printing and Issuing Interim Administrative Measures of Shaanxi Province on Remote Bid Evaluation of Public Resources Trading Platform(35)

        Circular of Shaanxi Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs on Printing and Issuing Administrative Measures of Shaanxi Province on Regional Public Brand of Agricultural Products (Trial)(39)

        The National Economic Situation of Shaanxi Province in August,2022(45)

        Government Activities in September,2022(46)

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