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        Contents of the 18th Issue of 2022 Gazette of Shaanxi Provincial People's Government

        2022-10-10 15:40:00 , Source : The Government Website of Shaanxi Province


        Decree of Shaanxi Provincial People's Government (No. 235)

        Decision of Shaanxi Provincial People's Government on Authorizing A Batch of Administrative Licensing Items (3)

        Circular of Shaanxi Provincial People's Government on Printing and Issuing Implementation Measures on Urban Land Use Tax and Implementation Rules on Property Tax(8)

        Implementation Opinions of Shaanxi Provincial People's Government on Implementing the Outlines for the Development of National Standardization(12)

        Circular of Shaanxi Provincial People's Government on Establishing the Provincial Leading Group for Promoting the Classification of Domestic Waste(23)

        Circular of Shaanxi Provincial People's Government on Publishing the List of Wild Plants Under Protection(25)

        Circular of Shaanxi Provincial People's Government on Publishing the List of Wildlife Under Protection(26)

        Circular of the General Office of Shaanxi Provincial People's Government on Printing and Issuing  Implementation Plan on Promoting the High Quality Development of Public Hospitals(27)

        Circular of Shaanxi Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment and Shaanxi Provincial Department of Finance on Printing and Issuing Implementation Measures of Shaanxi Province for Rewarding the Whistle-blower of Illegal Acts in Ecology and Environment(35)

        Circular of Shaanxi Provincial Department of Emergency Management on Printing and Issuing Administrative Measures of Shaanxi Province on Level Ⅱ Standardization Review and Evaluation of Work Safety for Metal and Nonmetal Mines, Industry and Trade and Hazardous Chemical Enterprises(39)

        Appointment and Removal of Personnel of Shaanxi Provincial People's Government(47)

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