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        Report on the Work of the People's Government of Shaanxi Province (2020)

        2021-11-01 16:26:45 , Source : The Government Website of Shaanxi Province


        Delivered at the Third Session of the 13th Shaanxi Provincial People’s Congress on January 15th, 2020

        Liu Guozhong

        Governor of Shaanxi Province

        Fellow Deputies:

        On behalf of the People’s Government of Shaanxi Province, I will now report to you on the work of the government for your deliberation and approval. I also wish to have comments on my report from the members of the Shaanxi Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC).

        I. A Review of Our Work in 2019

        2019 marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China and is a year when the people of Shaanxi forged ahead. Confronted with risks and challenges at home and abroad, we upheld Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and, under the leadership of the Provincial Party Committee, we adhered to the underlying principle of pursuing progress while ensuring stability, and the principle of “consolidating, strengthening, upgrading, and ensuring unimpeded flows” and “catching-up and overtaking”. We strove to fulfill the “Five Requirements” for promoting sustained and sound economic growth, advancing agricultural modernization, strengthening cultural advancements, ensuring and improving people’s wellbeing, and exercising strict governance over the Party. We focused on maintaining stable growth, advancing reform, making structural adjustments, improving living standards, guarding against risks and ensuring stability, thus sustaining healthy economic development. We realized GDP growth of 6%, fiscal revenue increase of 2%, a registered urban unemployment rate of 3.2%, a surveyed unemployment rate within 5.5 %, per capita income increases of residents in urban and rural areas in the province of 8% and 9% respectively, and CPI increase of 2.9%.

        i. We made an all-out effort to maintain stable growth and realized economic stabilization and recovery. We placed equal emphasis on supply-side structural reform and counter-cyclical adjustment, set up three lists of work, project and responsibility, and pushed them forward one by one. 23 measures were introduced to stabilize industrial growth and promote investment, monitoring, analysis and stable production promotion were intensified for 150 key enterprises, production was staggered accurately for differentiated emission reduction management of 342 enterprises, with 303 new capacity projects put into operation and achieved results. The measure of “increasing the production of high-quality capacity facilitates the production of medium-quality capacity and limits the production of low-quality capacity” was implemented in the coal industry, and 18 million tons of high-quality production capacity were added. The industrial added value of large-scale industries increased by 5.2%.

        We improved the quality and efficiency of the construction industry, and the total output value of the industry increased by 10.7%. We introduced 10 measures to stabilize investment, launched special rectification programs to address issues, and started 4,337 key projects. Airport intercity railway and the second phase of Xi’an Metro Line 1 were put into operation, and the reconstruction and expansion of Xi’an Railway Station, the construction of 19 expressways, and other projects were underway, with the increase in the investment in fixed assets reaching 2.5%. 26 measures were introduced to promote consumption, and activities were held to steadily carry forward worry-free consumption. The scale of consumption of services such as sports, health, elderly care, and housekeeping continued to expand, and the total retail sales of consumer goods increased by 7.4%. Efforts were intensified to make finance serve the real economy, and the loan-to-deposit ratio increased by 2.36 percentage points.

        ii. We worked unswervingly to speed up the replacement of old growth drivers with new ones, and optimize the industrial structure. Through vigorously promoting scientific and technological innovation, Shaanxi province still leads the country in terms of the number of national science and technology awards, comprehensive scientific and technological innovation level index, and technology contract transaction. We have six more academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering, and put into use 32 key industrial innovation chains and 289 key technological innovation points. We redoubled efforts to advance entrepreneurship and innovation, with 1,451 incubators of various types, and the number of new high-tech enterprises exceeded 1,000 for the first time. The transformation and upgrading of traditional industries were accelerated, 127 key technological transformation projects were implemented, and 13 enterprises have acquired the certification of national-level green factories. Moreover, we phased out outdated coal production capacity, and eliminate over 37 million tons of “open-pit coal mine” and “blasting mining”. New growth drivers were fostered, and Eswin silicon materials, Huatian integrated circuit and other major projects have entered the commissioning phase. The Xinzhou-700 aircraft has been manufactured, the first aircraft of the C919 middle fuselage digital assembly production line has been produced, Baidu Cloud Computing Center and Huawei (China) operator headquarters settled in Xi’an, 5G network construction and large-scale commercialization advanced steadily, and the added value of strategic emerging industries has increased by about 8%. Seven companies have gone public, and companies listed in the Science and Technology Innovation Board ranked first in Midwest China. Cultural tourism industry developed rapidly, the operating income of large-scale cultural enterprises is expected to increase by 20%, and the number of domestic and foreign tourists as well as total tourism revenue are projected to increase by 12.2% and 20.3% respectively. We pushed forward the structural reform of the agricultural supply side, focused on cleaning up and rectifying the problem of occupying cultivated land, and steadily promoted the pilot reform on the rural collective property rights system. The grain output hit 12.31 million tons, two new national modern agricultural industrial parks were built, and the area of equipment agriculture increased by 290,000 mu. The newly-added and rebuilt apple-plating area hit 830,000 mu, sheep population increased by 20%, hog population reached 7.95 million, 93.1% of the normal level, and the breeding of dairy cattle, beef, mutton sheep and poultry developed steadily.

        iii. We concentrated our efforts on fighting three tough battles, and significant progress was made in key tasks. We worked to ensure that the basic living needs of rural poor populations are met and that such people have access to compulsory education, basic medical services, and housing. We rectified the problems from feedbacks and, in accordance with policies of the central government, sorted out the measures we took, and improved and carried forward the measures. The investment in areas of extreme poverty increased by 39.3%, the houses for removed and relocated people have all been built, the vacation rate of old homestead exceeded 80%, 15,000 projects to reduce poverty via industrial development were implemented, 578,800 poor people were lifted out of poverty, and 29 poor counties will soon shake off poverty. We worked to make our skies blue, water clear, land clean and mountains lush. The comprehensive air quality index was up by 2% year-on-year, and class I-III water bodies of nation- and province-monitored control section increased by 3.9%. The geological environment has been improved for over 10,000 mu of mines. 1.0539 million mu of desertified land were treated, 8.064 million mu of land was afforested, and waste classification has been fully introduced. We continued to protect the Qinling Mountains, manage the illegal villa construction and rectify random stall setting, parking, garbage throwing, advertising, and construction site building. We stepped up efforts to guard against economic and social risks, complete hidden debt repayment, curb the government's illegal debt, and stabilize the NPL ratio below the national average.

        iv. We comprehensively deepened reforms and opening up, and realized more dynamic growth. The business environment has been improved with a focus on deepening the reforms designed to delegate powers, improve regulation, and strengthen services, positive progress has been made for individuals and businesses to access government services via one website, over 600 provincial government services can be processed on the phone, business can be started within 3 working days, and 21 toll stations at provincial borders have been removed. Maximum efforts were made to implement tax reduction and fee reduction policy on a larger scale, and the newly increased tax and fee reductions exceeded 60 billion yuan. There were 1.26 million new market players, an increase of 39.1%. The reform of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises was advanced, the reform of mixed ownership of competitive enterprises reached 60.4%, and the profits of state-owned enterprises was up by 16.4%. We vigorously supported the development of the non-public sector of the economy, set up special incentive funds for technological transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises, and bail-out funds for private enterprises. The balance of inclusive small and micro loans was 153.39 billion yuan, an increase of 22.6% from the beginning of the year. 24.487 billion yuan of private enterprises’ arrears were paid, and private investment increased by 6%. We vigorously developed the hub economy, portal economy, and circular economy. 26 new international passenger and freight lines have been added, the no-visa layover duration has been extended to 144 hours, and the international fifth freedom rights passenger and freight lines has been opened. The growth rate of Xi'an Xianyang International Airport's freight transport ranks first among the top ten airports in China. The two comprehensive bonded zones in Xi'an Xianyang International Airport and Baoji were approved, and the bonded aviation fuel business was officially launched. 2,133 trips were made on China-Europe freight train Chang’an, an increase of 70%. 12 innovative cases in the Pilot Free Trade Zone were promoted nationwide, and the single window for international trade has all the main features. The construction of the SCO agricultural technology exchange and training demonstration base was effectively promoted. Efforts were focused on stabilizing foreign trade and foreign investment, and responding to the Sino-US economic and trade frictions. The Silk Expo and the Agricultural High-tech Fair have made fruitful achievements. Shaanxi’s participation in the CIIE saw a total import and export volume of 351.56 billion yuan, an increase of 0.1%, and the actual introduction of domestic and foreign investment increased by 10.4% and 12.9% respectively.

        v. We made coordinated efforts to promote coordinated urban, rural, and regional development. Steady progress was made in the development of city clusters in Guanzhong Plain, and collaborative innovation and achievement transformation witnessed positive progress. The Western China Science and Technology Innovation Harbor has been put into operation, the National Additive Manufacturing Innovation Center was inaugurated, and Weinan and Hancheng were selected as national comprehensive utilization bases of industrial resources. The transformation of resources, industrial transformation, and transition of growth model in northern Shaanxi picked up speed. The construction of a number of quality projects such as the graded utilization of coal and the comprehensive utilization of coal, oil and gas has been accelerated. Yulin Xiangdao International Logistics Park and other projects have been put into operation. Yan'an Revolutionary Memorial Hall was rated as national 5A scenic spot. The green and circular development went from strength to strength in southern Shaanxi. The level of biomedicine, equipment manufacturing, green organic food, and ecological health care industrial chains has been improving. The main economic indicators of Ankang have been higher than that of the province. Hanzhong and Shangluo have become national forest cities. We worked to promote new urbanization, 16.372 billion yuan was invested in key demonstration towns and cultural tourism towns, and the urbanization rate reached 59.4%. The construction of communication infrastructure has been accelerated, and optical fiber is accessible in administrative villages. We continued to create beautiful villages, renovated another 12,000 kilometers of roads, and installed another 801,000 toilets in rural areas. Solid progress was made in rural waste management, and 640 beautiful and livable demonstration villages were built.

        vi. We made every effort to protect and improve people's livelihood, and has improved people's well-being. We introduced effective measures to stabilize employment, and 450,000 new jobs were created in cities and towns. 126 million yuan of wages was recovered for 10,800 workers, and wage arrears cases and amount dropped significantly. The coordinated development of all levels and types of education was advanced. Non-profit kindergartens account for 80% of the total, basic balanced development of compulsory education has passed national evaluation, standardized high schools accounted for 80.8% of the total, eight vocational schools were included in national key construction plan, the construction of “four first-class” colleges and universities was steadily implemented, and the integration of courses of ideological and political education in universities, middle schools and primary schools have achieved positive results. We intensified efforts to build a healthy Shaanxi, continued to deepen the comprehensive health care reform, established endemic disease clinical medicine research center, treated 64,400 patients with Kaschin-Beck Disease and other endemic diseases, and issued 2.5 billion yuan of old age allowance, and 590 million yuan of family planning subsidy. The multi-level social security system was further improved, the standard of pension was increased and pensions were paid on time and in full. Urban and rural subsistence allowances were increased by 5% and 8% respectively. The basic medical insurance and critical illness insurance systems for urban and rural residents were integrated, and the average reimbursement ratio of 17 anticancer drugs reached 60%. The service guarantee system for demobilized military personnel has been improved, and the support policies were implemented. We began the renovation of another 107,700 shantytowns and all the old urban residential communities. 1.4 billion yuan was invested to support the protection and utilization of more than 500 cultural heritage sites. A number of masterpieces including the drama Ordinary World, Liu Qing and the novel The Lead won national awards. The preparation for the 14th National Games went smoothly. We drew lessons from the coal mine blast on October 12, 2019 in Yulin and introduced five measures for safe production. The number of accidents and deaths dropped to 265 and 98, a year-on-year decrease of 26.1% and 14.4% respectively. Remarkable results have been made in flood control and drought relief, fire rescue and forest fire prevention. Initial achievements have been made in combating organized crime and rooting out local criminal gangs, and the social security satisfaction rate hit 94.8%. We have become more capable of addressing public complaints, and our security work has contributed to the Celebration of the 70th Anniversary of the Founding of the People’s Republic of China. We saw a harmonious and stable society in Shaanxi.

        New achievements have been made in nationality, religion, foreign affairs, civil air defense, earthquake, meteorology, surveying, mapping, archives, local chronicles, and other work we carried out.

        Last year, Shaanxi provincial government has held activities about keeping in mind our Party’s founding mission, implemented General Secretary Xi Jinping's instructions on Shaanxi made during his visit in the province, insisted on rectifying the prominent problems of formalism and bureaucracy in our government, and supported cities and counties in tackling problems. We made solid efforts to promote the construction of a government ruled by law, submitted 10 local laws and regulations for deliberation by the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Shaanxi Province, formulated and revised four government regulations, readily subjected ourselves to the oversight of the People's Congress and the CPPCC, and all 796 recommendations and 960 proposals were concluded. The government tightened its belt, and the provincial “three public expenses” were reduced by 20%.

        We owe all the achievements made in 2019 to the firm leadership of the Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, the concerted efforts of the provincial committee and the people in Shaanxi, as well as the support of compatriots at home and overseas, including compatriots in Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan. On behalf of the People’s Government of Shaanxi Province, I wish to express our sincere gratitude to fellow deputies, CPPCC committee members, all the officials, the people, the people’s liberation army and the armed police in Shaanxi, and to other parties and people's organizations. I also wish to express our heartfelt thanks to our fellow countrymen and women in the Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions, in Taiwan, and overseas who supported Shaanxi’s development.

        Shaanxi is still confronted with difficulties and challenges in its development. Some indicators are lower than expected; pressure amounts in stabilizing growth; industrial mix needs improvements; strategic emerging industries and advanced manufacturing are small in size; new drivers to lead high-quality development is immature; mechanism for technological innovation and achievement transformation is imperfect; business environment is yet to be improved; our solutions to employment, education, medical and other livelihood issues do not meet people’s expectations; and foundation for safe production remains weak. We will do all we can to address these problems in earnest.

        II. Overall Requirements and Projected Targets for 2020

        2020 is the closing year for building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, winning the war of targeted poverty elimination and achieving the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan". Despite grave and complex risks and challenges, China’s economy remains stable and will keep stable in the long run, and the overall situation that our province's development opportunities outweigh challenges remains unchanged. With great strategic determination, firm development confidence, relentless and strenuous efforts, we will make thorough planning, take one step at a time, and approach our work with a firm footing. By doing so, we will definitely gain new progress in the catching-up and overtaking process with high-quality development.

        Overall work requirements for 2020: we must follow the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, implement the guiding principles of the Party’s 19th National Congress and the second through fifth plenary sessions of the 19th Party Central Committee in full; we must adhere to the Party’s basic theory, line, and policy; we must strengthen our consciousness of the need to maintain political integrity, think in big-picture terms, follow the leadership core, and keep in alignment with the central Party leadership; we must stay confident in the path, theory, system, and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics, uphold General Secretary Xi Jinping’s core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole, and uphold the Party Central Committee’s authority and its centralized, unified leadership; we must fulfill the targets and tasks for completing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects; we must continue to follow the general principle of pursuing progress while ensuring stability, apply the new development philosophy, pursue supply-side structural reform as our main task, and draw momentum from reform and opening up to promote high-quality development; we must take firm steps in realizing sustainable and healthy economic development, the construction of modern agriculture with local features, cultural construction, protection and improvement of people's livelihood, and the implementation of a comprehensive and strict governance of the Party; we must fully implement the strategic task: focusing on transformation and development, cultivate new drivers; focusing on opening up and cooperation, build a new economic development high ground; focusing on deepening reform, activate new vitality; focusing on targeted poverty elimination, jointly build a new life; focusing on cultural rejuvenation, displaying a new image; we must promote high quality development, make great efforts to develop hub economy, portal economy and circular economy; we must win the critical battles against major risks, poverty, and pollution, ensure stability on six key fronts and maintain security in six key areas; we must ensure steady growth, promote reform, make structural adjustments, improve people’s lives, guard against risks, and maintain social stability; we must maintain the economy operating within the proper range; we must secure a complete victory in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects and the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" so as to make greater contributions to the catching-up and overtaking process in the new era.

        Major economic and social development goals: we will reach a GDP growth of about 6.5%, fiscal revenue growth of about 3%, adding 380,000 new urban jobs; we will maintain surveyed urban unemployment rate at 5.5% and registered unemployment rate at 4.5% or below; we will strive to ensure that the per capita disposable income of urban and rural residents grow by about 7% and 8% respectively, and the CPI rise by about 3.5%.

        i. Making continued efforts to stabilize growth and keeping major economic indicators within an appropriate range

        We will stabilize the industry by all means. Effective measures will be taken to develop energy industry, to ensure stable and increasing production of coal, crude oil, natural gas production. Accelerate the comprehensive utilization of Jingbian Yanchang coal, oil and gas resources, Xianyang China Energy coal gangue power generation, Northern Shaanxi to Hubei power transmission project and supporting power supply and other projects, and strive to launch major demonstration transformation projects, such as Synfuels China coal-to-oil project. We will step up the development of non-energy industries, support enterprises to expand production and promotion, put Geely Auto, BYD II Phase, Fast retarder and other projects into operation and yield profit. We will continue to implement dynamic monitoring and precise services for key enterprises and projects. We will strive to add 700 new enterprises above the designated size, and ensure a 7% growth of the total value added of industrial enterprises above the designated size.

        We will focus on key projects and promote investment. We will improve the system for the stable investment, carry out stable investment plans, adjust and optimize the land, energy consumption and other policies, strengthen the guarantee of factors of production, implement policy of "special bonds plus market-based financing", channel funds to such fields as advanced manufacturing, people's livelihood improvement, infrastructure shortcomings, and in the whole year the investment in provincial key projects will reach more than 500 billion yuan. We will accelerate the construction of Xi’an Xianyang International Airport Phase III, support the improvement and expansion of Yulin, Baoji and other regional airports, and complete the construction of the new airport in Ankang. We will continue to promote the Xi'an Metro and Xi'an-Yan, Yan'an-Yulin, Xi'an-Shiyan, Xi'an-Ankang high-speed railway construction, and complete the construction of Xi’an-Yinchuan high-speed railway. We will construct 12 highways, from Taibai to Fengxian, Qingjian to Zichang, Ankang to Langao, Pingli to Zhenping, etc. We will step up the construction of water conservancy projects such as the channeling the Hanjiang River to Weihe River, Dongzhuang Water Conservancy Hub, Guxian Water Conservancy Hub, Jinghe River Comprehensive Management, and channeling the Yellow River to Mazhen in Yulin. We will strengthen the construction of 5G network infrastructure and implement a number of key people’s air defense projects.

        We will optimize supply and expand consumption. We will optimize the supply structure and consumption environment to promote consumption upgrading. We will accelerate the construction of convenient gas stations, promote the consumption of automobiles and home appliances, promote the renovation and upgrading of urban pedestrian streets, and support the development of holiday economy and night economy. Efforts will be made to expand the overall tourism landscape, raise the quality of tourist attractions and expand their capacity, and launch a number of fine cultural tourism performing arts projects. We will implement the construction of 100 urban and rural trade service projects, develop more branded chain convenience outlets and standardized agricultural markets, and expand the coverage of e-commerce in rural areas. We will develop new circulation forms and models, and promote the cultivation of retail enterprises above the designated size. We will strive to reach the goal that the total retail sales of consumer goods grow by 7.5%.

        ii. Overcoming difficulties, taking solid action, and winning the three critical battles

        We will secure a complete victory in the war against poverty. We will work to fully realize that the basic living needs of rural poor populations are met and that such people have access to compulsory education, basic medical services, and housing. We will put our utmost effort into the fight against extreme poverty, ensure that the rest 183,400 are all lifted from poverty. We will make further and fundamental efforts to implement poverty alleviation, continue to develop industries with local advantages, boost the consumption of goods produced in poor areas, and expand employment of the poor and build people’s confidence and capacity to lift themselves out of poverty. We will take firm steps to conduct poverty alleviation through relocation from poverty-stricken areas, vacating of rural land designated for housing, follow-up assistance measures, etc. We will strengthen collaboration with Jiangsu province in poverty alleviation and encourage stronger assistance for targeted poor areas to advance poverty reduction drawing. We will strictly uphold the requirements that poverty relief responsibilities, policies, assistance and supervision will continue after counties are removed from the poverty list. We will earnestly conduct poverty reduction survey, enhance monitoring and offer further assistance to those relapsing into poverty as well as new cases of poverty and strive to establish long-term mechanisms for eradicating relative poverty.

        We will take solid steps to prevent and control pollution. We will strengthen comprehensive measures and joint efforts on air pollution prevention and control in Fenhe-Weihe River Plain area, take strong steps to prevent and control air pollution in winter, complete the treatment of the rest over 700,000 households in low-quality coals using, consolidate the remediation achievements in terms of poorly managed and polluting small enterprises. We will advance special programs on industrial furnace and vehicle emissions, implement ultra-low emission transformation in the steel industry. We will implement the system of river chiefs and lake chiefs, promote the prevention and control of pollution in key watersheds, advance the standardization of drinking water sources and consolidate the achievements of cleaning up malodorous water bodies in urban areas. We will strengthen soil pollution treatment and restoration, and work harder to promote waste sorting and solid waste clean-up. We will adopt regulations on the ecological and environmental protection plan for the Qinling Mountains, complete the revision of the master plan, and effectively improve the capacity of grid-based supervision. Further steps will be taken to address littering, random roadside booths or food stalls setting, chaos on the construction site, illegal pasting of advertisements and car parking. Efforts will be made to promote the elimination of mining rights and small hydropower stations in a planned way according to the law.

        Great efforts will be made to forestall and defuse major risks. We will ensure that governments at all levels take main responsibilities, guarantee the completion of the task of defusing annual hidden debt. We will implement the negative list of government debt financing, eliminate projects without budget, and strictly prohibit new government debt from being added in violation of laws and regulations. We will forestall and defuse the risk of overdue microcredit in poverty alleviation, achieve the cancellation of ST of high-risk agricultural cooperation institutions. A special campaign will be carried out to deal with Internet financial risks, and to promote the risk clearing of online lending companies with outstanding problems. We will accelerate the construction of monitoring and warning platform, crackdown on all kinds of illegal financial activities to make sure that no systemic financial risks arise.

        iii. Pursuing innovation-driven development and promoting quality and efficiency of the industry

        We will promote the high-quality development of the manufacturing industry and transmission and upgrading measures will be taken in traditional industries. We will support more than 1,000 enterprises to carry out technological transformation, accelerate key technological transformation projects such as the transformation and upgrading of Long Steel Company, Xifeng Liquor capacity expansion and quality improvement. We will vigorously develop prefabricated construction, and support the green development of Tongchuan construction materials industry. We will cultivate 20 provincial intelligent manufacturing demonstration enterprises, promote 20 enterprises to pass the implementation standard of integration of industrialization and industrialization. Efforts will be made to consolidate the achievements of cutting production capacity, and accelerate the shutting down of outdated production capacity. We will develop and strengthen emerging industries. We will expand the "intelligent plus" with industrial Internet, strengthen efforts to make breakthroughs in core basic parts and components, advanced basic processes, key basic materials, industrial technology foundation, etc. Besides, we will cultivate and develop high-end equipment manufacturing industry, including high-end CNC machine tools, aero-engines and gas turbines, rail transit, power transmission and distribution. In addition, with emphasis put on titanium, molybdenum, aluminum, zinc, magnesium, vanadium and other areas of advantage, we will make active efforts to promote the construction of a number of projects improving industrial foundation, such as titanium alloy profiles for aerospace, high-temperature alloy materials for engines. We will accelerate the application and promotion of key common technologies, leading-edge technologies, modern engineering technologies, and promote the new generation of information technology, big data, artificial intelligence, robotics, additive manufacturing, biomedicine and other emerging industries to speed up development. Relying on industrial park, we will focus on strengthening, complementing and expanding the supply chain to improve the level of the industrial chain. We will expedite the construction of Xi'an National General Aviation Industry Comprehensive Demonstration Zone, Xianyang New Display Industrial Park, Baoji New Material Industrial Base, Weinan Additive Manufacturing Base, and Hanzhong Aviation Intelligent New City, and actively cultivate leading enterprises with obvious advantages in scale and strong ability to integrate the industrial chain.

        We will promote the high-quality development of the service industry. We will initiate innovation and development actions in the service industry, and facilitate the development of producer services such as R&D design, inspection and testing, intellectual property rights, business consulting and commercial legal affairs. In addition, we will build a digital economy demonstration area, and promote the in-depth integration of digital technologies such as blockchain with the real economy. Active efforts will be made to accelerate the development of information, software, Internet of Things, supply chain and other industries, and support pilot supply chain innovation applications in Xi'an and Weinan. We will take further steps to advance the integrated development of cultural tourism, foster new business forms such as cultural creation, digital entertainment and e-sports, and support a number of leading enterprises. Besides, we will make a major push to develop the modern logistics industry and accelerate the construction of national logistics hubs in Xi'an, Baoji and Yan'an. We will promote the quality and expand the capacity of such service industries as leisure, sports, health care, advertising, and actively develop home-based community elderly care services and various forms of infant and child care services. We will deepen the financial supply-side structural reform, initiate the reform of rural credit cooperatives, maintain a reasonable growth of credit and social financing scale, and tighten the management of state-owned capital of provincial financial institutions. Furthermore, we will improve the quality of listed companies, enhance sustainable financing capacity, and strive to add 10 new listed companies.

        We will take effective measures to enhance the ability to support science and technology. Efforts will be made to establish a project formation mechanism based on enterprises' technology needs, promote the construction of platform innovation capacity, including drones, rapid manufacturing, ceramic-based composite materials. We will implement innovation development projects in key industries such as integrated circuits, new displays, satellite applications, seed industry, etc., and cultivate more scientific and technological enterprises. We will implement policies such as granting extra tax deduction on enterprises’ R&D expenses, continue to focus on the application of scientific and technological achievements, and strive to improve enterprise investment in R&D. We will increase efforts in the introduction of innovative talents and teams, and support the construction of China West Sci-Tech Innovation Port, CAS Xi’an Science Park, Yulin Branch of National Laboratory for Clean Energy, Aerospace and Astronautics Propulsion Research Institute, Northwest Center for National Technology Transfer, and Western Innovation Base for Overseas Postdoctoral. We will promote the establishment of the National Technology Innovation Center for Advanced Rare Metal Materials, add 2-3 provincial innovation centers, recognize 30 new provincial enterprise technology centers, and support the construction of the Xi'an Pilot Zone for Artificial Intelligence Innovation and Development. We will strive to promote the comprehensive upgrading of entrepreneurship and innovation, and accelerate the construction of a whole chain of entrepreneurship and innovation service system. We will promote the construction of 4 national entrepreneurship and innovation demonstration bases and 500 specialized crowd innovation spaces in Xixian New Area and Yangling Demonstration Zone. What’s more, we will implement the construction of standardized entrepreneurship centers in a hundred counties and a thousand towns, and strive to increase the number of high-tech enterprises by 20%.

        iv. Prioritizing the development of agriculture and rural areas and implementing the strategy of rural revitalization

        We will make continuous efforts to stabilize agricultural production and supply and promote the increase of income of farmers. We will concentrate on the supply-side structural reform of agriculture, fully implement the system of provincial governors assuming responsibility for the “rice bag”, and construct 2 million mu (1 mu ≈ 666.67 square meters) of high-standard farmland to ensure stable grain production of about 12 million tons. We will strengthen the production of hogs, step up efforts to prevent and control African swine fever, implement the system of mayors assuming responsibility for the “vegetable basket”. In-depth efforts will be made to implement the "3 plus X" characteristic industry action, promote the capacity expansion of facility agriculture, strengthen quality improvement and finishing of apple industry, focus on milk goat and dairy cattle breeding expansion, expand the breeding scale of beef cattle and sheep and poultry, and give support to the development of such industries as tea, Chinese dates, walnuts, edible fungi, konjac, Chinese herbs, and pepper. On the basis of kinds of modern agricultural parks, we will make further efforts to expand the scale of the industry, extend the industrial chain, develop well-known brands, accelerate the integration of primary, secondary and tertiary industries in rural areas, build a close interest linkage mechanism, and continue to increase the income of farmers.

        We will step up to address weaknesses in agriculture, rural areas, and farmers. We will make more efforts to promote the construction of rural infrastructure, improve the quality and coverage of rural road construction, operation and maintenance, and consolidate the achievements of safe drinking water projects. Solid steps will be taken to improve the rural living environment in accordance with local situations, strengthen the protection of rural landscape, regional culture and historical villages, put “toilet revolution” in practice according to different sorts. Furthermore, we will also promote the treatment of domestic garbage and sewage with centralized and decentralized support, give support to the public to carry out village cleaning and greening actions, improve the level of public services in rural areas, and strengthen rural governance at the primary level.

        We will make solid strides in the promotion of agricultural and rural reform. We will keep rural land contract relationships unchanged over the long term, and well-planned steps will be taken to push forward with reforms on rural land requisition, the marketization of rural collective land designated for business-related construction, the system for rural land designated for housing, and promote the trial to reform the rural collective property rights system in the whole province. We will step up the construction of provincial-level rural property rights trading platform, and promote the network operation at provincial, municipal, county and township levels. In addition, we will strengthen talent and technology support, focus on the cultivation of high-quality farmers, support vocational schools to expand enrollment in rural areas, and improve the system of science and technology missionaries. We will develop appropriately scaled operations of various forms, and focus on the cultivation and upgrading of leading enterprises, farmer cooperatives, family farms and collective economy.

        v. Improving regional policy system and promoting the formation of a regional economic structure with complementary advantages and high-quality development

        We will strive to be integrated with national strategy. We will carry out extensive research and investigations, and elaborate the 14th Five-Year Plan. We will strengthen the organizational leadership of ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River basin, prepare the provincial implementation plan, and give priority to ecology and green development. We will make coordinated efforts to plan ecological protection, infrastructure construction and high-quality economic development, and strive to promote major projects and policies to national strategies level. We will formulate water resources utilization plan, improve the flood control system as well as water and sediment control mechanism of main stream and tributaries, and fully implement the ecological space protection and restoration projects such as the Three-North Shelter Forestation Project, turning marginal farmlands into forests, and natural forest protection. We will fully implement the guidance of ushering in a new stage in large-scale development in the western region, introduce the implementation plan as soon as possible, clarify key tasks by stages to keep deepening and substantiating the province's new round of western region development.

        We will strive to optimize the layout of regional development. We will compile the province's territorial space planning in earnest, designate the redline for ecological protection, permanent basic farmland and urban development boundary. We will make coordinated efforts to promote the coordinated innovation of central Shaanxi plain, the transformation for sustainable development in Northern Shaanxi and the green and circular development in Southern Shaanxi, improve the differentiated assessment and evaluation system based on the main functional zone system, and establish a mechanism for joint discussion and construction of major projects on major matters. We will improve the policy of coordinated development of central Shaanxi plain city cluster, introduce the guidance of supporting Xi'an to build a national central city, encourage the Xixian New Area to innovate the way of urban development, implement the plan of supporting the high-quality development of Yangling Demonstration Zone, and support the transformation and development of Tongchuan. We will strengthen the construction of high-end energy and chemical bases in northern Shaanxi and the Loess Plateau Ecological Civilization Demonstration Zone, support the construction of Yulin Science and Technology Innovation City and the National Energy Revolution and Innovation Demonstration Zone, and support Yan'an to accelerate the construction of an innovation and entrepreneurship platform. We will boost the development of the leading green cycle industries in southern Shaanxi, support regional brands such as Hanzhong Xianhao, Ankang selenium-enriched products, Shangluo mountain agricultural products to develop the high-end market, strengthen the overall planning and resource integration, to promote the scale and quality of the landscape cultural tourism of southern Shaanxi.

        We will step up the economic development of counties and town construction. We will bolster the construction of 50 provincial model county industrial zones and industrial clusters. Combined with resource endowment and location advantages, "one county one policy" will be adopted to support each county to build 1-2 characteristic industries with local advantages. We will strengthen town planning and control, strengthen the protection of historical and cultural cities, promote expansion as well as the quality of counties. Furthermore, we will implement a number of projects to strengthen weakness, including municipal pipeline network, parking lots, cold chain logistics, etc., so that the carrying capacity of counties can be promoted. We will expand the "100 towns construction action", implement the project of enhancing the strength of both towns and villages, continue to promote the construction of provincial key model towns as well as cultural tourism towns, and accelerate urbanization. We will strive to build a sound institutional mechanism and policy system for integrated development of urban and rural areas.

        vi. Advancing reform and opening up with greater force and bolstering the momentum and vitality of development

        We will promote reforms in key areas. Efforts will be made to deepen the reforms to streamline administration and delegate powers, improve regulation reform so as to optimize the business environment. We will further simplify the business start-up and cancellation procedures, and then delegate a number of provincial authorities. We will comprehensively implement the regulatory system of randomly selecting enterprises for inspection assigning inspectors, making public the inspection results and informing the commitment system plus in-process and follow-up oversight, to achieve full coverage of cross-sectoral joint supervision and make joint spot check a regular practice. We will promote the online processing of government services, and accelerate the realization of one-stop government services. We will make coordinated efforts to promote the listing of state-owned enterprises and mixed ownership reform, step up the reform of state-owned capital investment and operation companies, and continue to deepen the reform of systems of labor, personnel and distribution. We will develop private businesses, explore institutionalized and inclusive measures and methods to support the development of private enterprises, remove the regulations and practices that unfairly differentiate enterprises according to form of ownership. We will give better play to the role of bail-out funds and technological transformation fund, and constantly foster an enabling market environment, policy environment and law-based environment for the development of the private sector, to support the development of the private businesses. We will actively build a cordial and clean relationship between government and business, establish standardized institutionalized government-enterprise communication channels and acceded agreements honoring mechanism. In addition, we will support the reform, innovation, transformation, upgrading, and healthy development of private enterprises. We will deepen the reform of the fiscal and taxation system, accelerate the reform to define the respective fiscal powers and expenditure responsibilities of governments at all levels, and improve the transfer payment system of common powers and expenditure responsibilities in all sectors.

        We will promote an open economy of higher standards. We will open up both externally and internally with the coordinated utilization of domestic and international markets and resources, advance the construction of the Belt and Road Five Centers, vigorously develop hub economy, portal economy and circular economy, and implement the master plan of the new corridor connecting the land and the sea in the western region of China. We will fully leverage the functionality of the fifth air traffic rights, support Xi'an and Xianyang to jointly build the airport-based economic demonstration zones. In addition, support will be provided for the opening of Yulin airport and the construction of bulk energy and chemical products trading market. We will carry out pilot demonstrations of air-rail, public-rail and sea-rail multimodal transport, improve the layout of dry ports and enclave ports, and promote the combination of transport and trade functions of the China-Europe Freight Train Chang'an. We will accelerate the system innovation and introduction of successful practices of the pilot free trade zone, and fully implement a negative list system for foreign investment’s market access. We will accelerate the construction of the SCO agricultural technology exchange and training demonstration base, step up the construction of distribution centers for import commodity display transactions, cross-border e-commerce international cooperation centers, and undertake centers for processing trade industry transfer. We will make every effort to successfully organize such exhibitions as Silk Road International Exposition and Agricultural Hi-Tech Fair, and actively utilize the China International Import Expo and other platforms. We will focus on key industries and industrial chains, make greater efforts to improve the targeted and pragmatic investment promotion, and actively attract and undertake domestic and foreign industrial transfer. We will seize opportunities to launch "going out" projects and park construction targeting the countries and regions along the Belt and Road, guide enterprises to develop diversified export markets, build “overseas warehouse” and Shaanxi Commodity Exhibition Center.

        vii. Improving the livelihood ensuring system that benefits both rural and urban residents, enhancing people’s sense of fulfillment

        We will take measures to stabilize employment and ensure income growth. We will establish an enabling system in which all introduced policies and initiatives are favorable to job creation, and comprehensively strengthen employment promotion services. We will improve the monitoring system for the transfer of employment of rural labor, increase skills training and assistance to enterprises to stabilize jobs, and make solid progress in the employment of key social groups such as college graduates, veterans, migrant workers and laid-off and transferred workers. Combined with the goal of addressing weakness in ensuring people's livelihood, we will expand public welfare jobs, support such flexible employment opportunities supply as temporary jobs, part-time jobs, seasonal jobs, and we will make targeted efforts to provide "one-to-one" assistance for people with employment difficulties, to ensure that there is no zero-employment family in the temporary stage. We will resolutely implement regulations of ensuring the payment of the wages of migrant workers, and resolutely address the persistent problem of wage arrears owed to rural migrant workers.

        We will strive to deliver education that satisfies the needs of the people. More efforts will be made to increase the construction of supporting kindergartens in urban areas. We will promote the high-quality and well-balanced development of compulsory education, strengthen the construction of small-scale rural schools and township boarding schools, accelerate the construction of provincial standardized high schools, and continue to strengthen vocational education. We will accelerate the “Four-First Class” campaign (first-class university, first-class discipline, first-class school, first-class major) of colleges and universities, and quality continuing education and special education will be provided. We will deepen the comprehensive reform of theoretical and political education, sports education, aesthetic education and labor education, strengthen the ranks of teachers in the new era, promote the standardized development of private schools, and actively build an education system that serves lifelong learning for all.

        We will advance the building of a healthy Shaanxi. We will promote the coverage and quality of 8 types of "healthy cells" demonstration in cities, deepen the comprehensive pilot reform in medicine and healthcare, accelerate the reform of modern hospital management system. In addition, we will move faster to promote the construction of medical service community in counties, strengthen the team building of general practitioners, and focus on improving the level of public health services, medical services, medical security, and drug supply security. We will make greater efforts to promote the construction of national regional medical centers and enhance the ability to diagnose and treat difficult diseases. We will standardize the supervision and management system of vaccine production, circulation and vaccination, and improve the level of pediatric treatment services. Furthermore, efforts will also be made to promote the development, inheritance and innovation of traditional Chinese medicine.

        We will strive to improve the social security system. We will work to see that everyone has access to social security, promote the provincial-level management of pension, unemployment and work injury insurance. We will implement the system of social security transfer and continuation as well as on-the-spot settlement of medical bills. We will establish a standardized and efficient medical insurance payment mechanism, strictly manage medical insurance funds, and crack down on fraud and fraudulent insurance practices. We will continue to implement the service and protection policy for veterans, strengthen the establishment of care and service systems for people with disabilities, rural children left behind, empty nesters and women. Furthermore, we will work on urban and rural subsistence allowances, social assistance benefits, social welfare and charity. We will fully implement the city-specific regulation mechanism, stabilize prices of land and housing as well as market expectations, promote urban housing security for the needy, and actively step up the rebuilding of rundown urban areas and the renovation of urban residential communities.

        We will promote cultural development. We will improve the system of protecting the cultural rights and interests of the people, strengthen the construction of county libraries, cultural centers, comprehensive cultural service centers for rural areas and communities, and promote the free opening of 1, 900 cultural and sports facilities such as museums, memorial halls and art museums. We will strengthen the maintenance of revolutionary memorial sites, promote the spirit of revolution and inherit the traditions of revolution. We will accelerate the construction of the Huangdi's Mausoleum Cultural Park and the Great Wall, the Long March National Cultural Park, and move faster to advance renovation and expansion of major cultural projects such as the Beilin Museum, Shaanxi History Museum, and the Emperor Qinshihuang's Mausoleum Site Museum. Meanwhile, we will implement the protection of the Yellow River cultural heritage system. We will make good preparations for such activities as the Silk Road International Arts Festival, the International Film Festival and the Ninth Provincial Arts Festival. We will take effective measures to promote the protection of cultural relics, strengthen the inheritance, protection and utilization of intangible cultural heritage. Furthermore, we will make good preparations for the 14th National Games and the 11th National Games for Persons with Disabilities and the 8th National Special Olympic Games.

        We will improve the level of social governance. We will learn and promote the Fengqiao model in promoting social harmony in the new era, improve the ability to adopt diverse methods to prevent, mediate and resolve social disputes. We will improve the system for handling public complaints, and ensure that justified public demands are addressed promptly. We will improve the crime prevention and control system, continue to combat organized crime and root out local criminal gangs, thus promoting the Peaceful Shaanxi initiative. We will implement safe food and drug project, adopt the most rigorous standards, the strictest supervision, the most severe punishment, as well as the most serious accountability to secure food and drug safety. We will firmly keep the redline of safety in mind, improve the rules and regulations, strictly strengthen supervision to ensure that enterprises take main responsibility, carry out safety campaigns in such fields as coal mines, hazardous chemicals, road traffic, and resolutely curb the occurrence of serious and major accidents. Solid work will be done on the construction of professional emergency rescue capabilities to improve disaster prevention, mitigation, and rescue capacity. We will advance the work related to ethnic and religious affairs and earnestly carry out the seventh population census.

        viii. Actively advancing the modernization of government system and capacity for governance, building a service-oriented government able to satisfy the needs of the people

        We will keep politically strong. The more severe situation entails officials’ greater loyalty to the Party. We will further strengthen our consciousness of the need to maintain political integrity, think in big-picture terms, follow the leadership core, and keep in alignment, and see that all of us have full confidence in the path, theory, system and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics. We will resolutely uphold General Secretary Xi Jinping’s core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party. We will maintain a high degree of unity in thought, stance, and action with the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core. We will fully implement President Xi Jinping’s guiding principle of Shaanxi Province. We will ensure that all the policies of the Central Committee and the State Council and the decisions of the provincial Party committee are put into practice, and remain committed to the Party's leadership in all aspects and links of the government's work. The provincial Party committee will resolutely shoulder the main responsibility of enforcing full, rigorous self-discipline of the Party. We will strictly enforce political discipline and political rules, temper CPC members’ political character of being loyal to the Party, clean and honest, and willing to take on responsibility.

        We will accelerate the building of a law-based government. The more complex environment requires officials to fulfill their duties in a more law-based way. We will adopt appropriate legal thinking and measures to deal with government work, strictly abide by the Constitution and the law, ensure that administrative bodies will fulfill their statutory obligations and will not take any action that is not mandated by law. We will steadily advance legislation in key areas, and improve the quality of legislation. We will establish and improve the power management system of government and department, strictly observe due process, and regulate the operation of public power. We will make decisions in a sound, democratic, and legally-compliant way, and make a comprehensive impact assessment of the introduction adjustments, implementation of major policies. We will fully implement the systems of making public the law enforcement results, recording the law enforcement process, and the legal audit system for major law enforcement decisions, and earnestly implement the administrative law enforcement responsibility system and accountability system. Active efforts will also be made to promote transparency in all government affairs, actively and timely respond to social concerns, and readily accept the legal supervision of the National People's Congress, the democratic supervision of the CPPCC, the supervision of the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Party, audit-based oversight, statistical supervision and the supervision of public opinion.

        We will improve our political integrity and professional competence. The more arduous task demands officials’ greater competence. The most urgent and critical task at present is to comprehensively enhance the ability to promote high-quality development with the new development philosophy. We will promote the pervasive learning of the new development philosophy, have an in-depth understanding of the richness, internal relevance, and of the inherent unity of the connotation of the new development philosophy, so that we can truly let the new development philosophy take root in our mind. We will integrate knowledge with practice, firmly use the new development philosophy as a measure of seeking development and launching projects, and ensure that projects in line with the new development philosophy are put into practice and completed with efficiency, and projects contrary to the new development philosophy are timely adjusted with resolute. We will strive to gain new achievements with the frequent application of the new development philosophy, keep diligent in experience summing up, make efforts to be good at grasping the law, and have the courage to emancipate the mind. With persistence in the integration of knowledge and practice, flexible application, bold creation, and continuous improvement, we will certainly become highly competent to shoulder the historical responsibility of high-quality development!

        We will concert our efforts in improving the Party’s work style. The more prominent problems require officials’ finer conduct. We will keep our mission and original aspiration firmly in mind, always put the people first, and adhere to doing our utmost for the benefit of the people of Shaanxi. We will make greater efforts to address various forms of pointless formalities and bureaucratism, and take a fact-based and down-to-earth approach. The provincial government will take the lead, shoulder the great responsibility, and motivate Party members and masses to dedicate themselves to their work, and to deliver good performance with its practical actions that can surmount all difficulties. We will resolutely rid the society of the pernicious evil and negative impact of Zhao Zhengyong, Chen Guoqiang's, and combined with cases of Wei Minzhou, Feng Xinzhu, Qian Yinan, etc., which are in grave violations of CPC discipline and state laws, we will carry out in-depth warning education. Meanwhile, we will work harder to improve Party conduct, ensure clean government, and root out corruption in accordance with the integrated promotion of the systems and mechanisms that create enough deterrence so that officials neither dare, can nor even think of being corrupt. We will strictly observe the central Party leadership’s eight-point decision on improving work conduct, and strengthening the system institutional process in sectors and industries that are of centralized power, intensive capital, and rich resources. We will make efforts to plug up the loopholes, strengthen supervision, and resolutely investigate and deal with corruption in livelihood improvement, poverty alleviation as well as corruption around the people. Party leaders and officials at all levels should keep strict with themselves, remain clean and honest; always keep self-dignified, and make self-reflection, self-warning and self-motivation; strive to become self-disciplined, be cautious in the beginning, in details and making friends. We will practice strict economization, and the government should put on a tight budget, cut general expenditure and spending on official overseas visits, official vehicles, and official hospitality. We will adopt a down-to-earth working approach, overcome all difficulties head-on, forge ahead and make progress and breakthroughs, and deliver good performance and real outcomes for all the people of Shaanxi province.

        The PLA troops stationed in Shaanxi and the armed forces carry forward the glorious tradition of supporting the government and loving the people, and have made important contributions to the reform, development and stability of Shaanxi. We must thoroughly implement Xi Jinping’s thinking on strengthening the armed forces, support national defense and the development of the armed forces as always, make effort to conduct national defense mobilization, actively carry out double-support building, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of veterans, and strengthen and promote unity between the government and the military, and between the people and the military.

        Fellow Deputies! The trumpets for securing a decisive victory in building a moderately prosperous society in all aspects is playing. Let us rally closer around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core. Let us, under the strong leadership of the Provincial Party Committee, unite as one and work hard, forge ahead despite hardships and difficulties, and strive to write a new chapter of catching up and overtaking in the new era!

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