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        A Beautiful Encounter: Crested Ibis Fly to the Bohai Sea

        2022-12-13 11:10:29 , Source : Discover Shaanxi

        From the hinterland of the Qinling Mountains to the foot of Mount Tai, from the bank of the Han River to the Yellow River estuary, 20 crested ibis from Yangxian county will once again fly to the shores of the Bohai Sea, spanning 1,300 kilometers to the east. Through full live streaming, calling experts and Q&A with netizens, we witness the restoration of the historic habitat of Oriental gems. Shaanxi Hanzhong crested Ibis National Nature Reserve, Shandong Yellow River Delta National Nature Reserve, Shaanxi Media Convergence will jointly present an exciting large-scale live streaming "A beautiful encounter crested ibis fly to the Bohai Sea".

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