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        China-Europe freight train (Shaanxi) speeds up operations

        2023-02-03 14:56:29 , Source : en.xa.gov.cn

        Loaded with daily necessities, the X8151 China-Europe freight train has just departed from Xi'an International Port Station in Xi'an – capital of Northwest China's Shaanxi province – on Feb 1, heading for Minsk, capital of Belarus.

        The freight train is expected to arrive at its destination in about 18 days.

        The X8151 China-Europe freight train departs from Xi'an International Port Station in Xi'an. [Photo/IC]

        In January of this year, the number of trips made by the China-Europe freight train (Shaanxi) exceeded 300 to reach 346, a record for that period and providing a great start to 2023.

        In particular, during the seven-day Spring Festival holiday, 85 China-Europe trains departed Xi'an International Port Station, with an average daily operation of more than 10 trips.

        In an effort to meet the growing demand for imports and exports for domestic and international markets, operator China Railway Xi'an Group Co issues transport plans every day, and prioritizes allocations, loading and unloading, inspections and departures of the freight train.

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