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        2017-07-14 17:42:51 , Source : The Government Website of Shaanxi Province






        Craftsman Spirit

        Craftsman spirit refers to a craftsman's careful revision, continuous improvement and pursuit of perfection towards his products.

        In 2016, Prime Minister Li Keqiang put forward in the Government Work Report that "we should encourage enterprises to carry out personalized customization and flexible production, cultivate excelsior craftsman spirit, increase varieties, improve quality and crate brands." "Craftsman spirit" mentioned in the Government Work Report has drawn extensive attention ever since then.

        Since ancient times, Shaanxi has given birth to a large number of celebrities, with a long history of culture. Nowadays, its aviation industry, manufacturing equipment, electrical energy, wine industry, etc. are making steady progress, while quality construction is accelerating.

        "Craftsman spirit" is the key motivating factor for Shaanxi economic transformation.

        In the context of slowdown of traditional coal, oil, chemical engineering and other industries, Shaanxi economic transformation, especially the transformation towards new economy, becomes imminent. The so-called new economy involves how to develop new technologies, new industries, new commercial activities with development of new technologies, new industries and new commercial activities as trends, and how to innovate existing industries, turn "sunset industries" into "sunrise commercial activities" and get a new lease of life except to increase innovation, increase scientific research force and improve efficiency, for which such excelsior "craftsman spirit" is exactly needed.

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